Dear Friends, Greetings of the Day...!!! How are you..??? Waiting for your Result of Winter-2015 Exam...??? Maybe, GTU will start declare the result of all the semester like 7 th , 5 th , 3 rd and last 1 st in shortly. Now, GTU start to applying E – Assessment in winter - 2015 Exam. Question: What is E – Assessment ...??? Answer: E – Assessment is electronic a process in which your Supplementary check on Computer and its work is faster to check Supplementary then our Routine Paper Checking Method. Before the last winter exam E- Assessment is only for Final Year. But, nowadays this process is applying in all Semester means 1 st semester to 8 th Semester. There are lots of Disadvantage and advantage in this new process. For more details Read this Paper Cut. (Click on Image for Zoom) Now, wait for our result. All the Best for your next result...!!! You can also reach at Facebook. Like @ F...